Where resumes go to die, Amazon BS, AI can't save you

📰 In this issue

🔹 Insider: Exclusive for our community

🔹 Opportunity: How Tech Layoffs Unlock New Opportunities

🔹 Trends: Job Search Limbo: Where Resumes Go to Die

🔹 Tools: AI Can't Save You If You're Skill-Deficient

🔹 Sparks: Amazon BS, Cheese rolling contest, Elon vs. Apple


The Candle AI Disruption Score

This month, in our new insider section, meet the Candle AI Disruption score.

This new tool allows you to upload your resume and receive FREE insights and a personalized analysis that help you remain competitive in today's changing workplace. Try it today!


While you’re at it, if you’re actively looking for a new job, you’ll find the ResumeResponseGPT Chrome Plugin an indispensable tool. With over 10,000 job listings analyzed, 800+ users, and a 5.0 Rating, this is a keeper.

🚀 Opportunity

Pivoting with Power: How Tech Layoffs Unlock New Opportunities

While Big Tech companies are streamlining operations, the demand for tech skills remains strong across industries. Job sites like Indeed highlight roles like full-stack developers, data engineers, cloud engineers, and machine learning engineers as among the hottest jobs for 2024. This means companies are still actively hiring for critical tech roles, even as they cut costs elsewhere.

The Silver Lining: Rapid Career Mobility

If you've been impacted by recent layoffs, there's a silver lining. Data shows that many laid-off tech workers are quickly finding new opportunities. A ZipRecruiter survey found that around 74% of laid-off tech talent landed new roles in the tech sector, while the remaining 26% transitioned to non-tech industries. Moreover, a staggering 79% of those laid off found a new job within just three months.

Upskilling: Your Ticket to the Future

The layoffs have been a wake-up call for many knowledge workers to upskill and re-skill in areas like AI, machine learning, data analytics, cloud computing, and cybersecurity. By acquiring these in-demand skills, you can increase your employability and position yourself for emerging opportunities in tech and beyond.

The Entrepreneurial Mindset

For some, the layoffs have been a catalyst to embrace entrepreneurship and freelancing. With your technical expertise and industry experience, you can leverage the gig economy and offer your services as a consultant, contractor, or freelancer to companies across various sectors.

Tech Skills: The New Currency

As industries like healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and retail continue their digital transformation, the demand for tech skills is extending far beyond traditional tech companies. Your tech expertise can open doors to diverse career opportunities across sectors.

While the tech layoffs present challenges, they also highlight the resilience and adaptability required in today's rapidly evolving landscape. By upskilling, networking, exploring alternative career paths, and remaining open to opportunities across industries, you can navigate the current climate and position yourself for long-term success in the dynamic world of technology.

🔥 Why You Should Care - laid-off tech workers are quickly finding new opportunities
🔑 Key Point - Companies are still actively hiring for critical tech roles,

📎 Related Resource

Job Search Limbo: Where Resumes Go to Die

AI job hiring tools that were supposed to make the process easier? Applicants and HR are telling a different sotry. Instead of streamlining things, they've turned job hunting into a dystopian nightmare for both applicants and hiring managers alike.

Companies are missing out on great talent, while perfectly qualified candidates get tossed into the rejection abyss by ATS. It's a lose-lose situation that's just perpetuating the vicious cycle of frustration.

Candle is continuing to work on a solution and we’re getting there. At this point, anything has to be better than the current system of automated chaos and disappointment. There is a better way, stay tuned.

Looking for a job these days is a complete shitshow. There are tons of openings out there, but the process of actually landing one feels like an endless game of whack-a-mole.

First off, you've got ATS tools that the mass majority of enterprise HR uses, which basically just reject perfectly qualified candidates without any explanation. Amazingly, 75% of résumés get instantly chucked mainly because of missing keywords. Stage 1 of ghosting.

If you jump that hurdle, typically the communication from the company's side is painfully slow and drawn-out. On average we're talking an average of 44 excruciatingly long days to fill a single corporate role. Maybe because the ATS has reduced the 762 applications down to 142 for the position.

Not only do you have to deal with the mind-numbing process, but there are also job-posting scams lurking around every corner, just waiting to steal your personal info or money. Take heed of that. Because why not add a little identity theft to the mix, right?

And let's not forget the companies themselves, who are somehow still struggling to find decent candidates. 67% of large companies say lack of talent is their biggest reason for not filling roles. It's like they're actively trying to make hiring as difficult as possible. Maybe the ATS systems are booting qualified applicants, you think?

The worst part? The whole thing takes forever. Around 5 months on average for a job search in the US. Months upon months of sending out resumes, going through interviews, and jumping through hoops, only to get ghosted or rejected because your cover letter didn't have enough keywords in it. This is the most frustrating part - 77% of job seekers report being straight-up ghosted by prospective employers.

So, if you're currently job hunting, just know that you're not alone in this nightmarish hell. It's a mess out there, and the only way to survive is to keep a good sense of humor (and maybe a bottle of wine or two) handy at all times. We’re working on it.

🔥 Why You Should Care - You’re bot (not) alone in this nightmare
🔑 Key Point - You need to stay flexible and adaptive as priorities abruptly shift

📎 Related Resource

🚀 Tools

AI Can't Save You If You're Skill-Deficient

There are countless AI tools and bots out there, but they won't help you advance your career or land your dream job if you lack the essential skills. In today's rapidly evolving job market, skill acquisition is paramount, and a well-polished resume or acing interview prep won't get you to the promised land without the right skillset.

Employers are looking for candidates who can quickly adapt to new tools, technologies, and methodologies. Roles that didn't exist a decade ago are now in high demand, and the skills required for traditional jobs have evolved. Your beautifully crafted resume won't matter if it doesn't showcase relevant skills, and you can't game the ATS keywords if your resume lacks the necessary qualifications.

Interviews increasingly focus on practical skills assessments, such as coding tests, problem-solving exercises, and portfolio reviews. If you don't have the skills, no amount of interview prep can compensate. Moreover, the half-life of skills is shrinking, and what was relevant five years ago may not be today. Continuous learning and skill development are crucial to remain competitive in the job market.

Prioritize learning and development by taking courses on platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning. Gain certifications to enhance your credibility. Technical proficiency is increasingly valuable across various fields, but soft skills like communication, problem-solving, and adaptability are equally important.

Gain practical experience through projects and real-world applications, such as contributing to open-source projects, participating in data science competitions, or building a portfolio. Stay informed about industry trends and emerging technologies by following thought leaders, subscribing to newsletters, and joining professional communities.

Remember, the best investment you can make is in yourself. Stay curious, keep learning, and adapt to the changing demands of the job market. Your future career success depends on it.

🔥 Why You Should Care - Your resume won't matter without relevant skills

🔑 Key Point -Remember, the best investment you can make is in yourself.

📎 Related Resource

🚀 Sparks

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