Recession dress rehearsal? 90% mis-hires, How I made $300K freelance

📰 In this issue

🔹 Industry Pulse: Is the 2025 recession another dress rehearsal?

🔹 Skill Spotlight: Competency-Driven Careers

🔹 Career Moves: Escaping the Career Matrix

🔹 Tech Corner: Dominating the Gig Economy: Freelance Platform Playbook

🔹 Work-Life Integration: Free Snacks or Free Therapy?

🗃 Insider


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📰 Industry Pulse

Is the 2025 recession another dress rehearsal?

Remember this time last year? Global economists were almost unanimous that we were in for a bumpy ass ride and headed for a hard landing recession in 2024…not. Maybe they were talking 4th quarter 2024, as those talks have resurfaced, albeit under different circumstances. As we navigate the complex economic landscape of 2024 and look ahead to 2025, there are several key trends and potential challenges. There are lots of underlying factors to consider, but let’s take a look at implications for the job market.

Economic Outlook

While opinions vary among economists, there are growing concerns about a potential recession in 2025:

The consensus isn’t unanimous however. Some forecasts suggest GDP growth could rise above 2% by the end of 2025 as inflation targets are met and interest rates potentially lower. The resilience of the technology sector is one factor that could help stave off a deep recession.

These potential rate cuts aim to support job growth and economic stability. However, the Fed must balance these goals against the risk of fueling recession fears or market volatility. The upcoming FOMC meeting on September 17-18 will provide important signals about the Fed's stance and just how concerned they are with the outlook.

Despite economic uncertainties, several sectors employing knowledge workers are expected to see continued growth:

  • Technology: Advancements in AI, machine learning, cybersecurity, and cloud computing are driving demand for skilled professionals. The reliance on tech during the pandemic has accelerated digital transformation across industries.

  • Healthcare: The ongoing need for medical professionals, health researchers, and those supporting health-tech innovation remains strong, especially in light of an aging population.

  • Data Analysis: Companies increasingly rely on data-driven decision making, creating opportunities for analysts and data scientists. The explosion of data is making these roles essential.

  • Sustainability: Growing emphasis on environmental issues may create roles in sustainable business practices, green technologies, and ESG investing and reporting.

Skills in Demand

To remain competitive in this evolving job market, knowledge workers should focus on developing:

  • Technical skills relevant to their field, especially in emerging technologies

  • Soft skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, adaptability, and remote collaboration

  • Continuous learning and upskilling to keep pace with rapid changes

  • Domain expertise combined with tech savvy (e.g. marketing analytics, HealthTech, FinTech)

Strategies for Success

To navigate potential economic uncertainty, consider the following strategies:

  • Diversify your skills and expertise to increase career resilience

  • Build a strong professional network for knowledge-sharing and opportunities

  • Stay informed about industry trends and invest in relevant upskilling

  • Consider freelance or contract work as part of the expanding gig economy

  • Partner with recruiters to access unadvertised job opportunities

  • Cultivate a growth mindset and be open to pivots and non-linear career paths

  • Prioritize companies with strong balance sheets and consistent demand for your skills

At the end of the day, while economic predictions are never certain, knowledge workers who remain adaptable, continue to develop their skills, and stay attuned to market trends will be best positioned to thrive, regardless of economic conditions. As we move through 2024 and into 2025, stay informed, be proactive in your career development, and remain flexible in your approach to work and skill-building. Those able to bring creativity and a learning orientation to their roles will be the most resilient and impactful.

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🏫 Skill Spotlight

Competency-Driven Careers

The job market is undergoing a significant transformation, with employers increasingly prioritizing skills over traditional credentials. There are a few reasons for this; AI, a growing skills gap, and a shrinking workforce. It’s a two sided coin, providing both challenges and opportunities. What comes down to is that your practical abilities matter more than ever in securing and maintaining employment.

The benefits of this new approach are substantial for both employers and job seekers. Companies adopting skills-based hiring report a 90% reduction in mis-hires and a 91% improvement in employee retention. Moreover, by focusing on skills rather than degrees, organizations can expand their talent pool by a factor of 19, potentially opening up more opportunities for candidates who may lack traditional qualifications but possess valuable skills.

As you navigate this changing landscape, it's crucial to understand the skills that are in high demand. The World Economic Forum highlights analytical and creative thinking, resilience, flexibility, technological literacy, curiosity, and leadership as top skills for 2024 and beyond. Gartner emphasizes the importance of digital skills, agility, and adaptability. To stay competitive, focus on developing these skills and be prepared to demonstrate them through assessments or portfolio work.

Continuous learning and development have become more important than ever in this new job market. The World Economic Forum projects that 60% of workers will need skills training in areas like analytical thinking, creative thinking, and AI/big data by 2027. This emphasis on ongoing skill development is particularly appealing to Gen-Z and millennial workers, who often prioritize learning opportunities when choosing employers. In fact, 54% of immediate employee retention is linked to professional development support, underscoring the value that companies place on a workforce committed to growth.

For job seekers, the key to success in this evolving market lies in embracing a mindset of continuous improvement and agility. Focus on identifying and developing in-demand skills in your field, and be sure to highlight your practical abilities in your resume and during interviews. Remember, in a skills-based economy, your abilities and potential for growth are your most valuable assets. By staying adaptable, continuously updating your skill set, and effectively showcasing your capabilities, you can position yourself as a valuable asset in the job market of today and tomorrow.

📎 Related Resources

🚀 Career Moves

Escaping the Career Matrix

In some respects, career changes are becoming the new normal. I’m pretty blown away that numbers I’ve seen show that 80% of professionals are considering a career switch, driven by a desire for growth, better work-life balance, or simply because they've realized life's too short to stay in a job that just isn’t your thing.

If you're down for a move, see if any of this helps with guiding you through the process of navigating the world of career change:

Soul-search: Take a deep dive into your motivations for wanting a change. What’s the story? Is it all about the bank or a really genuine need for growth?

Get a grip on reality: We all have obligations. This kind of goes without saying, but I did anyway. Before taking the leap, analyze the numbers and familial obligations. If a complete 180 isn't feasible, consider a gradual transition.

Research, research, research: Knowledge workers have tons of option in almost every industry imaginable. Attend workshops, read books, and ask for advice.

Bridge the gaps: Identify your transferable skills and areas for improvement. Upskill yourself through courses and workshops.

Make a plan: Break down your career change into manageable steps with clear timelines.

Leverage your network: Tap into your professional and personal connections for support. It's not just what you know, but also who you know (and who they know!).

Embrace the challenges: Career change isn't a walk in the park by any means. Be prepared for setbacks and lean on your support system when the going gets tough.

Remember, you're playing the long game. Keep your eyes on the prize and celebrate each milestone along the way. Biting the bullet and making a career change isn’t for the timid, but with the right mindset and preparation, it could be a complete game changer.

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💻 Tech Corner

Dominating the Gig Economy: Freelance Platform Playbook

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The job market is in flux and because of that, freelance platforms are becoming increasingly popular for professionals seeking new opportunities or career transitions. These platforms offer a promising alternative to traditional recruitment methods, connecting talented people with projects across various industries.

Dropping your profile on a platform is a no brainer, but making it stand out in the expanse of talented professionals requires some strategy. The key to success lies in optimizing your profile to catch the eye of potential clients and recruiters. Let’s get down to it.

You need to be discovered. SEO isn't just for websites – it's crucial for your freelance profile too. By incorporating relevant keywords throughout your profile, you increase your visibility to recruiters searching for specific skills or expertise. You don’t need to invest in a SEO course, it’s actually pretty simple:

  1. Use AI tools like ChatGPT or Claude to generate a list of relevant keywords for your field.

  2. Incorporate these keywords naturally into your bio, skills section, and project descriptions.

  3. Focus on long-tail keywords to target niche opportunities.

Craft a Compelling Profile

Your profile is your digital first impression. Make it count by:

  1. Creating a clear, keyword-rich title that showcases your expertise.

  2. Writing a concise "About Me" section that highlights your unique value proposition.

  3. Listing your skills and experiences, using industry-specific terminology.

  4. Showcasing your best work with a well-curated portfolio.

  5. Including testimonials or recommendations from past clients or colleagues.

Engage Actively on the Platform

Success on freelance platforms isn't just about having a great profile – it's about being an active participant in the community:

  1. Regularly update your profile with new skills and experiences.

  2. Submit proposals for projects that align with your expertise.

  3. Participate in community discussions and offer insights to demonstrate your knowledge.

  4. Network with other freelancers and potential clients.

Monitor and Refine Your Approach

What’s cool is that most if not all of these platforms can provide analytics. Use them to track your profile views and proposal success rate. This data can help you refine your strategy and improve your chances of landing great projects.

By implementing these strategies, you'll significantly enhance your visibility on freelance platforms and attract the attention of clients seeking top talent in your field. Whether you're looking at this as a side gig, transition to full-time freelancing, or explore new career paths, these platforms offer a lot of interesting opportunities for growth and professional development.

It comes down to this, success in the freelance world often comes down to persistence and continuous improvement. Stay curious, keep learning, and don't be afraid to showcase your unique talents. You’re selling you and you’re good at what you do. With the right approach, you can turn these platforms into powerful tools for advancing your career and achieving your professional goals.

📎 Related Resources

🧘 Work-Life Integration

Free Snacks or Free Therapy?

As a knowledge worker seeking new opportunities, it's crucial to understand the various aspects of workplace culture that can significantly impact your job satisfaction and career growth. While companies like Google and Facebook are often highlighted for their unique approaches, these elements are relevant when considering positions at any organization.

Work-Life Balance

Some companies, like Facebook, prioritize flexibility with options for remote work and adaptable schedules. This approach allows employees to tailor their work hours to personal needs. Other organizations, similar to Google, focus on work-life integration, providing on-site amenities and services that blend personal and professional life.

When evaluating potential employers, consider which approach aligns with your lifestyle preferences. Do you value clear boundaries between work and personal time, or do you thrive in an environment where the two are more interconnected?

Office Environment

Office designs can vary significantly between companies. Some, like Facebook, feature open-plan spaces and collaborative work areas, fostering communication and teamwork. Others, similar to Google, opt for diverse spaces that cater to different work modes and activities.

Reflect on your ideal work setting: Are you more productive in an open, collaborative environment, or do you prefer varied spaces that allow for both interaction and focused individual work?

Employee Benefits

Benefits packages can differ greatly among employers. Some companies, like Facebook, provide extensive health and wellness programs and generous parental leave policies. Others, similar to Google, might focus on comprehensive health coverage and educational opportunities supporting both personal and professional development.

When assessing potential employers, consider which benefits align more closely with your current life stage and future plans. Are you planning for a family, or are you more focused on continuing education and skill development?

Innovation Culture

Innovation is fostered differently across organizations. Some companies, like Facebook, encourage innovation through regular events like hackathons and a culture that supports risk-taking. Others, similar to Google's approach, might allow employees to dedicate a portion of their work week to personal projects, fostering long-term innovation and exploration.

Think about your preferred approach to innovation: Do you excel in high-energy, collaborative innovation sprints, or do you prefer having dedicated time for independent project development?


When searching for a new position, it's important to look beyond just the job description and salary. Consider how a company's work culture aligns with your personal work style, career aspirations, and life goals. Some organizations might offer a fast-paced environment with clear opportunities for rapid career growth, while others might provide a more diverse work environment with a strong emphasis on personal development and work-life integration.

Remember, every company has its unique culture and benefits. Your decision should be based on which environment you believe will best support your professional growth and personal satisfaction in the long term. Take the time to research potential employers, ask questions during interviews, and if possible, speak with current or former employees to gain insights into the company's culture.

By thoroughly evaluating these aspects, you can make a more informed decision about your next career move, finding a position that not only advances your career but also aligns with your personal values and work preferences.

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