LLMs & Deep State, SOWT happens & Tech hiring on fire

📰 In this issue

🔹 Industry Pulse: Tech Job Market Sees Major Boost in September 2024!

🔹 Skill Spotlight: Why Tech Skills Alone Won’t Cut It

🔹 Career Moves: SWOT Happens

🔹 Tech Corner: How I Accidentally Leaked It All to Claude

🔹 Work-Life Integration: LLMs, Deep States, and Office Drama

🗃 Insider


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📰 Industry Pulse

Tech Job Market Sees Major Boost in September 2024!

CompTIA is here again to offer some facts on the market, which indicates a significant recovery in the IT employment market as of September 2024. This shift is a nice change of pace for professionals in the technology sector.

  • IT unemployment rate: Decreased to 2.5% (compared to 3.4% in the previous month)

  • National unemployment rate: 4.1%

  • New technology positions: 118,000 added across various sectors

  • Tech sector growth: 8,500 net new roles

  • Open job postings: 516,000 positions

Strategic Implications for IT Professionals

The enterprise-wide push for AI deployment at scale is driving significant demand for related skills. Professionals with expertise in AI and machine learning are particularly well-positioned in the current market. With the rapid evolution of technology needs, continuous skill enhancement is crucial.

As demand increases for specialized skills, salary expectations are likely to adjust accordingly. Stay informed about market rates for your skill set to ensure fair compensation. Companies are becoming more specific in their technology requirements. Tailor your applications and highlight relevant skills that directly address the employer's stated needs.

The positive shift in IT employment metrics suggests a robust recovery in the technology sector. As businesses across industries continue to prioritize digital transformation and AI integration, demand for skilled IT professionals is expected to remain strong.

📎 Related Resources

🏫 Skill Spotlight

Why Tech Skills Alone Won’t Cut It

Cornerstone OnDemand's recent Global State of the Skills Economy Report offers valuable insights for knowledge workers seeking work or career advancement. Like every report known to man it highlights growing demand for technical skills in areas like AI and machine learning, but it reveals a surprising trend: human skills, often called "soft skills," are consistently more sought-after than digital competencies across all regions. In fact, these human skills are in twice as high demand globally, with some areas valuing them nearly three times as much as technical abilities.

This finding challenges the common assumption that technical expertise alone is the key to career success in today's job market. Instead, the report suggests that professionals should focus on developing a well-rounded skill set that balances technical knowledge with strong interpersonal abilities. It comes down to stuff AI isn’t great at: communication, collaboration, problem-solving, leadership, and emotional intelligence.

Disregarding the RTO mandates that some companies insist on, the emphasis on human skills aligns with broader workplace trends, like remote and flexible work arrangements. In unstructured environments it goes without saying that self-motivation, communication, and adaptability is paramount to succeed. Simply stated, manage your time, stay organized, and navigate complex team dynamics virtually.

When job hunting or seeking promotions, professionals should highlight their human skills alongside technical qualifications. Providing concrete examples of how these soft skills have been used to drive results, improve team dynamics, or navigate challenging situations can set candidates apart in a competitive job market. In interviews, be prepared to discuss not just technical knowledge, but also how you work with others and approach complex problems.

So, while technical skills remain important, Cornerstone OnDemand's report serves as a powerful reminder that business is still about human interaction, creativity, and collaboration. Tech skills are a must but so are human skills. Senior management isn’t as big on robots as they are on people, with some exceptions.

📎 Related Resources

🚀 Career Moves

SWOT Happens

What are you portraying to a potential employer? Self-awareness is an eye opener. So you need to figure out who and what you’re selling by doing a Personal SWOT Analysis - a strategic tool to map your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. This exercise can be your compass for career growth and personal development.

Strengths: Your Unique Edge

Identify what sets you apart. Are you a master communicator? A problem-solving whiz? Perhaps your emotional intelligence is off the charts. Recognizing these traits allows you to leverage them in your career decisions and daily work.

Weaknesses: Areas for Growth

We all have them - skills gaps, time management issues, or even the dreaded imposter syndrome. Acknowledging these areas isn't about self-criticism; it's about targeting your personal development efforts where they'll have the most impact.

Opportunities: The World is Your Oyster

In our interconnected world, opportunities abound. From emerging technologies to global remote work trends, stay alert to possibilities that align with your strengths and passions. Don't overlook the power of networking, continuous learning, and building your personal brand.

Threats: Navigate the Challenges

Be aware of potential roadblocks. Rapid technological changes, economic instability, or fierce competition can feel daunting. However, recognizing these threats empowers you to prepare and adapt proactively.

Putting It All Together

Your Personal SWOT Analysis isn't a one-and-done exercise. Revisit it regularly to track your progress and adjust your strategy. Use it to guide your skill development choices, prepare for job interviews or performance reviews, make informed career pivots, and build resilience against potential setbacks. Remember, the goal isn't perfection - that won’t be happening, it's progress. By understanding your personal landscape, you're equipping yourself to navigate your career path with confidence and purpose. Start mapping out your SWOT, it’s an interesting and valuable exercise.

📎 Related Resources

💻 Tech Corner

How I Accidentally Leaked It All to Claude

You're at your desk, typing away, looking like you’re the most productive person in the hemisphere. But actually you and, your new best friend Claude are going to town. Welcome to the world of BYOAI (Bring Your Own AI), where up to 80% of employees are secretly (key word) doing the AI dance.

While AI promises to boost productivity, your little chat might be public domicile, Imagine accidentally spilling company secrets to an AI. Oops! 85% of GenAI users have already done just that. Talk about a career disaster like "ctrl+alt+delete" or command+option+esc for Mac users.

Maybe start with this prompt - am I subjecting myself to termination or better yet, a lawsuit? Companies are scrambling to set up AI guardrails, but it's akin to attempting to install seatbelts in a Lambo that's going 150 mph.

So, where do you go with this? Embrace AI, but do it smartly. Learn the rules of engagement, get that AI training, and DO NOT FEED sensitive data to ChatGPT or Calude like it's a stray puppy.

📎 Related Resources

🧘 Work-Life Integration

LLMs, Deep States, and Office Drama

As we gear up for the 2024 presidential election, tensions are higher than ever—and not just on the debate stage. In fact, the fallout is spilling into workplaces, where political conversations are turning into productivity black holes.

And let’s face it: one party seems to have taken a hard left (or right) turn down conspiracy lane. Their solution to any data contradicting their beliefs? It’s all the “Deep State” at work! They don’t trust Large Language Models (LLMs) either—after all, the machines are clearly part of the plot. Our stance? We recommend their doctors tweak their meds. Just a little.

In a world where 35% of workers feel the need to voice their political opinions at the office, things can get heated. And when half of the workforce feels uncomfortable just hearing these conversations, we’ve got a problem. According to a survey by SHRM, 64% of U.S. workers have either witnessed or experienced poor treatment because of politics at work. If you think that’s bad, brace yourself—42% report political talk has directly impacted their teams, causing everything from tension to low morale.

Let’s not forget the financial hit. The numbers point out that when someone is caught in a political argument, it takes them an average of 31 minutes to refocus. 31 minutes? That’s a little too exact, how about a round half hour?

There’s no way to ban political talk altogether, it’s ingrained in our psyche it seems. There have been some clear policies outlining what’s acceptable and what’s not, along with progressive discipline for those who can’t help but go full conspiracy mode chanting away in their cubicle.

At the end of the day, workplace harmony and work-life integration in 2024 may hinge on our ability to navigate the election season with humor, empathy, and (ideally) fewer conspiracy theories. With it so divisive it’s tough to keep it civil, productive, and fun?!?!

📎 Related Resources

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