Election alert, HR tech revolution: employee impact, Digital nomad chaos

📰 In this issue

🔹 Industry Pulse: Tech Policy and Your Career: Why This Election Matters

🔹 Skill Spotlight: Why Power Skills are Your Career's Best Friend

🔹 Career Moves: Mastering the Mid-Life Job Transition

🔹 Tech Corner: HR Tech Advancements - Reshaping Employee Journeys

🔹 Work-Life Integration: Some crazy stuff in Italy as a Digital Nomad

🗃 Insider


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📰 Industry Pulse

Tech Policy and Your Career: Why This Election Matters

Last week we threw in a little bit about the political situation in the US. It’s only a couple of weeks away at this point so we’ll keep on this bandwagon and how it might affect not only you and your career, but the country. The outcome of the upcoming presidential election will have a profound impact on your career trajectory over the next 4 years and beyond. While tech policy may not be top of mind when you cast your vote, the reality is that the pace of technological change is accelerating - and the policy choices made by the next administration will shape the job market and economy you navigate.

Both candidates, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, have outlined their visions for the role of technology in American life and the economy. Understanding the key differences is crucial for making an informed decision:

The Harris campaign has emphasized inclusivity, expanding broadband access, and finding a balance between innovation and consumer protection. Building on the Biden administration's wins like the CHIPS Act to boost domestic semiconductor production, a Harris White House would likely continue antitrust enforcement against Big Tech while still partnering with the private sector to invest in AI, clean energy, and American competitiveness.

In contrast, Trump's platform focuses heavily on rolling back consumer protections and taking a hands-off approach to emerging technologies like AI and cryptocurrency. He has railed against perceived conservative censorship by social media companies. Overall, Trump favors a more free market-driven tech sector with minimal government oversight.

Economists overwhelmingly warn that Trump's policies risk driving the US economy into a recession. In an economic downturn, knowledge workers often face layoffs, hiring freezes, and limited career mobility.

The Harris campaign's emphasis on strategic investment, job training, and a stable transition to an innovation economy may provide a steadier foundation for career growth and a more robust job market. However, some argue Trump's deregulatory approach could unleash more disruptive innovation.

Ultimately, while the nuances of tech legislation may feel abstract, they will shape the job market and economy you must navigate to build your career. In an age of accelerating technological transformation, this election is a crucial inflection point. Your vote will help determine whether the next 4 years provide an environment for inclusive growth - or economic upheaval that could disrupt your professional trajectory for years to come. Choose wisely.

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🏫 Skill Spotlight

Why Power Skills are Your Career's Best Friend

Power skills - a newly minted term are an indispensable asset to your career growth.

While not all skills are equal, power skills as a collective tend to hold some of the greatest value, since they are easily transferable across multiple industries, help you to make a career pivot, and enable you to retain your job and move up the ladder when technical skills alone would not be sufficient.

Power skills are the general, essential skills that are not specific to any particular job or industry that employers look for when hiring. They are essentially life skills, as you will need them in any situation, from everyday interactions and relationships to handling personal responsibilities, even outside of the workplace.

Interesting fact: One in seven employers say that they most likely will not hire Gen Z in 2025, and 60% state that they have fired Gen Zers over the past year, due to their notorious lack of power skills and workplace etiquette, while 90% believe that younger workers should undergo training to polish their power skills and work ethic. The top skills mentioned by hiring managers as lacking in Gen Z included lack of ownership, poor communication skills, and lack of organization skills.

This makes it an overwhelming priority for young professionals and graduates to not only include these in their resumes for future jobs, but also to work hard to ensure that they develop and actually demonstrate them.

Thankfully, there's a quick and easy way to identify which power skills are the most essential for you to include within your resume. All you need to do is to review the job description and especially the person specification section, to see what competencies they are requiring outside of the hard, or technical skills.

In a sample job advert from Indeed for the role of an entry-level business intelligence analyst, the following skills were listed as must-haves for their ideal candidate they had certain required skills, you can easily identify that some of the main power skills necessary for this role are communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and self-motivation to work on one's own initiative.

There’s a lot to say on this topic and way too long for a newsletter, but when it gets to results here are a few things that work on your resume:

  • Conflict resolution

  • Stakeholder management

  • Adaptability

  • Creative thinking skills

  • Leadership skills

  • Problem-solving

  • Emotional intelligence

These tend to be the skills that occur most frequently in job descriptions and/or are the most needed by employers, according to data from the survey conducted by the World Economic Forum in 2023, which analyzed the top skills in demand over the next few years.

Whatever your power skills, find creative ways to display them all throughout your resume and always ensure, most importantly, that they are actually relevant to the role you're applying for.

📎 Related Resources

🚀 Career Moves

Mastering the Mid-Life Job Transition

If you're contemplating a career shift but worry you've missed your chance, take heart: Studies show that it's increasingly rare to find and stick with a "forever job" by age 30. In fact, the average person changes jobs around 12 times over their lifetime, with many transitions happening well into their 30s, 40s, and beyond.

This is a major life changing decision so start with deep self-evaluation. Reflect on your skills, interests, and values to identify your transferable skills and consider careers that align with your strengths and passions. Research your desired field to understand the demand, qualifications, and expectations for roles. Assess any skill gaps and make a focused plan to bridge them through learning and hands-on experience.

Embrace the journey, understanding that career changes come with challenges, from financial uncertainty to the need to start in more junior roles. Stay focused on your motivation, build a support network, and be willing to start small and grow. Refresh your professional brand by tailoring your resume and online profiles to highlight your transferable skills and the unique value you bring from your prior experience. Craft a compelling story around your career transition.

Leverage your existing network and build new connections in your target industry for advice, referrals, and support. Attend industry events and seek out mentors to gain insider insights. Remember, career changes are increasingly common in today's dynamic job market. With self-reflection, strategic planning, and persistence, you can successfully navigate this transition and find a fulfilling new path, no matter your age. Embrace the journey as an opportunity for personal and professional growth.

Looking for support? Consider using a career transition platform like Accenture, Trigma, Cognizant, and Chetu, for personalized guidance, curated learning resources, and access to a community of career changers.

📎 Related Resources

💻 Tech Corner

HR Tech Advancements - Reshaping Employee Journeys

HR Tech

From an employee perspective, you might be wondering how the latest HR technology advancements will impact your work life. The good news is that many of these innovations are designed to enhance your experience, support your professional growth, and provide you with more opportunities within your organization.

One such development is the rise of AI agents in HR tech. Oracle and Workday for two, are integrating these AI capabilities into their systems to streamline processes and automate tasks. For you, this could mean a more efficient and personalized experience when interacting with HR. For example, AI-powered recruiting agents could help you find your job faster, while succession planning agents could identify your leadership potential and help you chart a path to career advancement. Novel concept - Candle is releasing our OPPY product in the near future.

Cornerstone's introduction of its Galaxy platform is particularly exciting for those focused on learning and development. This integrated suite of AI-enabled learning and talent management experiences is designed to help you develop new skills and grow within your organization. By connecting various Cornerstone products and leveraging its extensive skills library, Galaxy could provide you with personalized learning paths, relevant content, and opportunities to apply your newfound knowledge in meaningful ways.

For those working in small and mid-sized businesses, Paychex's launch of Paychex Flex Perks could be a game-changer. This solution brings a suite of voluntary benefits, such as earned wage access, pet insurance, and financial wellness, to businesses of all sizes. If your employer adopts Flex Perks, you could gain access to enterprise-level benefits that were previously out of reach, helping you better manage your personal and financial well-being.

You really need to stay informed about the HR tech advancements that could shape your work experience in the coming years. By understanding how these innovations can benefit you, you'll be better prepared to take advantage of the opportunities they present. Whether it's through more efficient HR interactions, personalized learning and development, or access to expanded benefits, the future of HR technology looks bright for talent. Embrace these changes and work with your organization to harness the power of these tools for your professional growth and success.

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🧘 Work-Life Integration

Some crazy stuff in Italy as a Digital Nomad

Laglio, Italy

When we last left off, we were hanging out in the sun on the stunning Mondello beach in Palermo, Sicily. Since then, our digital nomad journey has taken us to some of Italy's most iconic destinations: Rome, Venice, Murano, and now the breathtaking Lake Como. Along the way, we've discovered that while the Wi-Fi is surprisingly decent (no more excuses for missing those deadlines!), navigating Italy's public transport can be mind numbing.

In Rome, I found out that jumping a metro during rush hour makes Manhattan look like the open wilderness in Wyoming. Absolute insanity and if your ass isn’t all the way in the metro, it’s just crushes your pelvis in the doors. 6.2 million people per sq.ft. By the time you reach your destination, you're not only fashionably late but have every pathogen offered on the train. Lesson learned: don’t ever schedule something at 8:30 in Rome, if you want to arrive sane.

Next up: Venice. This city is a digital nomad's dream, with its picturesque canals and charming cafes. But don't let the postcard-perfect scenery fool you. Navigating Venice's winding streets and countless bridges can be a challenge, especially when you're trying to find your way to a co-working space. One wrong turn and you might end up on a vaporetto (a Venetian public waterbus) to who knows where. Pro tip: invest in a good map app and a sense of humor – you'll need both. Google maps isn’t always right and once perplexity outright BS’d me into oblivion.

Venice, as can be expected, is overrun by tourists, cool place to see, but give me the island of Murano, famous for its beautiful glass art. By now, I had the whole public transport figured out, right? If you jump on a vaporetto trying to make a connection to a train or airport or just a meeting, give yourself ample time. On the bright side, Murano was a needed bit of relaxation on a whirlwind tour.

Blew out of Murano, via vaporetto, to the train station to Milan, transfer to another train to Como and then a bus that has no stops‽ Seriously? The guy is driving winding mountain roads like he’s in a Formula one race. But don't get too comfortable – the lake's winding roads and infrequent buses can make getting around a little rough. Maybe I’m a little slow, but you can easily miss the bus or any other mode of transport trying to decipher how or where to validate your ticket. Wi-Fi in most Airbnbs or public locations is upwards of 100Mbps for the most part, so that’s a positive.

Despite the transportation mishaps, traveling in Italy as a digital nomad has been an unforgettable experience. The key is to embrace the chaos, laugh at the misadventures, and remember that sometimes, the best stories come from the most unexpected detours. And if all else fails, just make sure you have a good internet connection – you can always work from that street food cafe while you wait for the next bus (or boat, or train) to arrive.

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