Blindfolded recruiters - AI can't do that - Beaches to boardrooms

📰 In this issue

🔹  Industry Pulse: Blindfold the Recruiter

🔹 Skill Spotlight: Cultivating Skills AI Can't Replicate

🔹 Career Moves: DeFi: The Finance Frontier

🔹 Tech Corner: Inverse Bitcoin ETF Launched

🔹 Work-Life Integration: Beaches to Boardrooms

🗃 Insider


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📰 Industry Pulse

Blindfold the Recruiter: The Smart Business of Unbiased Hiring

In today's job market, across all sectors, bias remains a persistent problem. A recent incident in the hospitality industry highlights how even seemingly progressive companies can fall prey to unconscious prejudices. This case isn't just about racial bias - it's a wake-up call for all forms of discrimination in hiring.

So here’s the story; A qualified candidate applies for a job they're perfect for, but gets radio silence. They reapply with a "whiter-sounding" name, and boom - interview offers start rolling in. It's like playing job application roulette, where your name determines whether you have any value.

Bias can creep in based on gender, age, nationality, or even where you went to school. How’s that work with ATS? If it gets by them and it’s the hiring manager making snap judgments based on surface-level info, ya have a problem.

Reality check, most of the time, this bias flies under the radar. Companies might preach diversity, but their hiring practices tell a different story. And proving it? That's a whole other can of worms. Most cases of hiring bias never see the light of day because they're so hard to prove. so if you get a lawyer - make sure its a contingency deal.

So we’re tackling bias head-on with a revolutionary approach: anonymized resumes. It's like putting job applications through a sanitizer, stripping away all the potential triggers for bias. No names, no ages, no schools - just pure, unadulterated skills and experience. It's not just about racial equality; it's about creating a level playing field for everyone, regardless of gender, age, or background.

This is a 2 way street here. By casting a wider net and judging candidates solely on merit, companies can tap into a diverse talent pool they might have otherwise missed. It's like finding hidden gems in the rough, all because you're not distracted by the packaging. Not to mention the cost of a “contingency suit”.

The takeaway? Bias in hiring isn't just unfair - it's bad for business. And while lawsuits might make headlines, the real solution lies in preventative measures like what Candle's cooking up.

So, next time you're updating your resume, remember - in an ideal world, your name shouldn't matter. Your skills should do the talking. We might just be heading toward that world sooner than we think. The future of hiring? It's blind, baby - and it's looking bright.

One last comment - In November, if you’re vehemently opposed to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, think seriously about which box you check.

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🏫 Skill Spotlight

Cultivating Skills AI Can't Replicate

The key to thriving in this new era lies in understanding what AI can't do and developing those uniquely human capabilities that complement and surpass machine intelligence.

As a knowledge worker, your ability to navigate complex interpersonal situations will set you apart. Focus on developing your emotional intelligence, which includes empathy, active listening, and adaptable communication styles. These skills are crucial in situations that require conflict resolution, team leadership, or handling sensitive client relationships. AI may never fully replicate human emotional connection, but they are likely to become more natural and adaptive in their interactions over time.

The current state of AI underscores the continued importance of human judgment in many workplace scenarios, especially those involving ambiguity or nuance. For the foreseeable future, the most effective approach in many fields will likely involve human-AI collaboration, leveraging the strengths of both to achieve optimal outcomes.

AI excels at processing vast amounts of data and identifying patterns, but it lacks the ability to make nuanced judgments in ambiguous situations. This is where human critical thinking becomes invaluable. As a knowledge worker, you should focus on developing your ability to analyze complex scenarios, question assumptions, and make decisions based on incomplete or conflicting information. Practice looking beyond the surface level of problems to understand underlying causes and potential ripple effects of different solutions. Your capacity to provide context, consider ethical implications, and make judgment calls in gray areas will be highly prized in an AI-augmented workplace.

While AI can generate content and come up with variations on existing ideas, true creativity – the ability to conceive entirely new concepts and innovative solutions – remains a uniquely human domain. To stay ahead, cultivate your creative thinking skills. This doesn't just mean artistic creativity; it includes the ability to approach problems from novel angles, combine disparate ideas in unexpected ways, and envision possibilities that haven't been considered before. Engage in activities that stimulate your imagination and expose yourself to diverse fields of knowledge. Your ability to think outside the box and propose innovative strategies will be crucial in roles that require vision and leadership.

The rapid pace of technological change means that specific technical skills can quickly become obsolete. Instead of focusing solely on mastering current technologies, concentrate on developing adaptive expertise. This means learning how to learn, being comfortable with ambiguity, and quickly adapting to new tools and paradigms.

By becoming adept at collaborating with AI systems, you'll position yourself as a bridge between traditional ways of working and the AI-driven future, making yourself indispensable in the process.

In conclusion, the future belongs to knowledge workers who can complement AI's capabilities with distinctly human skills. By focusing on complex interpersonal skills, critical thinking, creativity, adaptive expertise, and AI collaboration, you'll not only remain relevant but thrive in the evolving professional landscape.

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🚀 Career Moves

DeFi: The Finance Frontier Where Anyone Can Strike Gold

Web2 to Web3? How about Web5? It's not just a glow-up, it's a whole new game. We're talking decentralized networks, smart contracts, and blockchain tech creating a more secure, transparent, and efficient digital playground. It's the kind of stuff that gets both crypto bros and casual surfers hyped.

TBD, a subsidiary of Block (formerly Square), introduced the concept of "Web5" in 2022 as a combination of Web2 and Web3 technologies. Their vision for Web5 is to build a decentralized web platform that puts users in control of their data and identity. Sounds kinda Web3ish to me. But to be totally transparent, I have a good (very bright) friend that works at TBD, and indeed they are making some huge strides.

The key aspects of TBD's Web5 include:

  • Decentralized identifiers (DIDs): Users have control over their digital identities without relying on centralized authorities.

  • Decentralized web nodes (DWNs): Users can store their data on their own devices or on the cloud, maintaining control and privacy.

  • Self-sovereign identity (SSI): Users can selectively share their data with apps and services, rather than giving broad access to their information.

I’m going to say, the term "Web5" seems to me to be a marketing strategy to differentiate TBD's approach from the more widely discussed Web3. By skipping over "Web4" and going straight to "Web5," they are implying that their vision is a significant leap forward, combining the best aspects of Web2 (usability and performance) with the decentralization and user empowerment of Web3.

The Web3 ecosystem is still in its early stages, but it's rapidly evolving. TBD's "Web5" concept, while not yet widely adopted, reflects the ongoing innovation and experimentation in this space. As the technology matures and more projects come to fruition, the demand for IT professionals with Web3 expertise is absolutely going to continue growing.

For those looking to future-proof their careers in information technology, diving into Web3 and its associated technologies could be a smart move. The decentralized revolution is just getting started, and those who can ride the wave stand to benefit greatly in the years to come. What a novel concept, owning your own data.

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💻 Tech Corner

Today Asia's First Inverse Bitcoin ETF Launched in Hong Kong

This morning, Asia's first inverse bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) launched, offering investors a unique opportunity to profit from the cryptocurrency's price declines. CSOP Asset Management, a Hong Kong-based firm, launched the CSOP Bitcoin Futures Daily (-1x) Inverse Product on the city's stock exchange.

How Inverse ETFs Work

An inverse ETF is designed to perform in the opposite direction of the asset or index it tracks. So, when the value of the underlying asset or index goes down, the value of the inverse ETF goes up, and vice versa. Kinda like a bond and interest rates.

Let's say the S&P Bitcoin Futures Index drops by 5% in a day. An inverse bitcoin ETF designed to track this index would aim to increase in value by approximately 5% on that same day. Conversely, if the S&P Bitcoin Futures Index rises by 3%, the inverse ETF would likely decrease in value by around 3%.

Capitalizing on Bitcoin's Volatility

Bitcoin has, let’s say, extreme volatility, with price swings as high as 38.3% in 2023. The launch of the inverse bitcoin ETF comes at an opportune time, as the BTC experienced a bumpy second quarter, losing more than 12% after the first batch of spot crypto ETFs went public in Hong Kong in April.

But a few things to consider before you short bitcoin, one being the US elections.

Following an assassination attempt on Trump, Bitcoin surged by 9%, reaching approximately $64,500. In another report, Bitcoin rose to $60,160, a 2.7% increase, as Trump's re-election odds improved. Investors seem to think a Trump victory as positive for cryptocurrency. This is partly because Trump has positioned himself as pro-crypto and the "crypto president". I was dying to comment on this, but need to maintain a distance between personal views and professional responsibilities. %^&$#*!!

There's a perception that Trump's administration would be more crypto-friendly in terms of regulation. This expectation is influencing investor behavior and potentially driving more investment into Bitcoin.

Bitcoin's rise in tandem with U.S. stocks suggests that it's behaving as a risk asset. The increased clarity around election results (in this case, favoring Trump) is seen as providing a tailwind for such assets. Not really what Satoshi Nakamoto had in mind, I don’t think.

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🧘 Work-Life Integration

Beaches to Boardrooms: The Art of Work-Life Integration

As a knowledge worker in the 21st century, you're likely familiar with the constant juggling act between your professional and personal lives. But have you considered that the traditional concept of "work-life balance" is a little stale at this point? Let's explore a more fluid approach: work-life integration, and how it relates to the increasingly popular digital nomad lifestyle.

Work-Life Integration: Blending the Personal and Professional

Work-life integration is all about seamlessly merging your work and personal responsibilities. Instead of compartmentalizing your day into strict "work" and "life" segments, you find ways to blend these aspects harmoniously.

The primary advantage? Flexibility. When you can coordinate your various responsibilities effectively, you're more likely to feel satisfied across all areas of your life. However, it's crucial to maintain healthy boundaries. Studies have shown that when work and personal life bleed into each other unchecked, it can lead to decreased satisfaction and productivity in both realms.

Work-Life Balance: The Traditional Approach

In contrast, work-life balance adheres to a more traditional separation of work and personal time. This approach aims to equally prioritize career demands and life outside of work, with clearer boundaries between the two.

However, in our hyper-connected world, maintaining strict work-life boundaries can be challenging. You might find yourself checking Slack messages during family dinner or answering work emails late into the night. It's important to recognize that balance can look different from day to day, depending on your current priorities and deadlines.

The Digital Nomad Perspective

Enter the digital nomad lifestyle - a perfect example of how work-life integration can be taken to the extreme. Digital nomads leverage technology to work remotely while traveling the world, effectively blurring the lines between work, leisure, and personal growth. 😃 

For digital nomads, the concept of work-life integration is often a necessity rather than a choice. They might code from a beach in Bali, take client calls from a café in Prague, or write reports while on a train through the Swiss Alps. This lifestyle epitomizes the fusion of work and personal experiences, allowing for a unique blend of professional development and life enrichment.

But here's a question to ponder: Is the digital nomad lifestyle an ultimate form of work-life integration, or does it represent a new kind of balance? Consider how you might structure your work and personal time if you were location-independent. Would you set strict work hours regardless of your surroundings, or would you adapt your schedule to make the most of each new location?

Finding Your Sweet Spot

In today's remote-first business world, rigidly separating work and personal life may not be realistic or desirable. Flexibility is especially crucial for digital nomads, who must navigate not just changing task demands, but also shifting time zones, cultures, and work environments.

Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all solution. Your ideal work-life arrangement will depend on your personal preferences, work style, and current life situation. The goal is to create a productive, fulfilling environment that allows you to thrive both professionally and personally.

So, over to you: If you were to embrace the digital nomad lifestyle, do you think you'd lean more towards work-life balance or integration? How would you structure your days to make the most of both your work responsibilities and your travel experiences? Consider how this hypothetical scenario might inform your current approach to managing work and personal life. So let’s go have a beer and talk about it.

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